Woking Seniors Club
Woking Seniors Club


History of the Woking Seniors Club


The Woking Seniors Club  was formed in 1962. On the 9th January 1962 a Mr N.P. Thompson, owner of the Central Stores in Chobham Road,Woking, sent out postcards to a few of his friends. They contained an invitation to meet at his house to discuss the possibility of setting up a social club for retired men in Woking. It may be significant that that Mrs Thompson, his wife, had started a Tuesday Lunch Club for ladies about two years before.


A history of the Woking Seniors Club has been written by Alfred Vice and this covers the years from 1962 until 2012. A copy is available at each Luncheon.


Outings and Events

In conjunction with our members regular outings are arranged by our Events Secretary David Robbins to places of interest visited by coach or rail, sometimes together with members of Woking District PROBUS in order to share costs.


Recent outings have been to:-

10 August 2022 - Visit to The Royal Military College, Sandhurst

19 April 2023 - Visit to RAF Museum in Hendon, London

23 August 2023 - Visit to Isle of Wight steam railway

10 October 2023 - Visit to historic Salisbury Cathedral

8 May 2024 - Visit to Middle Temple Law Courts


Forthcoming outings

Various locations are being explored to visit in 2024. A Consultation Document has been prepared . Please open the attached pdf file to read about the various locations proposed and contact the Events Secretary for further information.


DAVID ROBBINS - davidandraerobbins@gmail.com

Tel: 01483 767183



Seniors 2024 Trips.pdf
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